How to plan an ideal wardrobe for your Inner West, Brighton or South Yarra home

Planning the ideal wardrobe solution for your space and dressing habits can be a little baffling at first. If you are used to having to store clothes under the bed, shoes in the laundry and accessories in a collection of mismatched boxes, you are probably eager to create a closet for your home in the Inner West that lets you take in all of your clothing options at one glance, and makes dressing easy and even enjoyable each morning.

To do this, you need to closely evaluate your collection of clothes and accessories to plan for the right amount of hanging space, shelving, drawers and other cupboard fixtures and add-ons. Before planning your wardrobe for your Brighton home, you may want to go through your clothes and throw out unwanted or rarely used items. Once you have cut your wardrobe down to your most loved and most useful pieces, you can create a perfectly customised storage solution.

When designing a wardrobe for your South Yarra or Brighton home, you should remember that your options aren't limited to just shelves and drawers. You can fit out your wardrobe with lighting and electrical outputs to make it a more useful and multi-purpose space. Use directional lighting to help you see all of your clothing on dark mornings.

A well planned closet space in your Inner West or Brighton home can make creating outfits easy, fun and you may even start using clothes and accessories that you usually neglect or forget. The trick to planning the ideal wardrobe for your South Yarra home is in making everything visible at once, without cluttering up your space.

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